Ching 双语例句
Please extend our deepest thanks to master ching hai . 请将我们最深的谢意表达给清海无上师。 I like going outdoors during ching ming festival ! 我喜欢在清明节时到户外踏青! Moreover , temasek 's chief executive is ho ching , the wife of singapore 's prime minister . 此外,淡马锡的首席执行官何晶(hoching)是新加坡总理的妻子。 He even blamed the I ching for plot details that he was unhappy with in one interview . 他甚至在一次访问中不高兴的怪易经使情节太详细琐碎了。 Mrs ching was stunned by this news . 秦太太给这一炮打懵了。