Cerny 双语例句
The findings have sparked discussion among researchers , including carter and cerny , who were allowed to provide comments within the research paper , about who exactly the humans were who occupied the gulf basin . 这个发现已经引起研究人员关于海湾水底的人类到底是谁的讨论,其中包括卡特和赛尔尼,他们被许可在研究论文上发表评论。 With game veteran mark cerny behind the hardware in the ps4 , that type of quality should be evident day one with games like infamous : second son . 有马克•塞尔尼这样的游戏界资深人士在幕后主导PS4的硬件开发,它的过硬质量在展会首日就能通过《声名狼藉:第二子》(Infamous:SecondSon)这样的游戏展现得淋漓尽致。