Candice 双语例句
Universities move slowly ; they 're a conservator of values , " candice explains . 坎蒂斯解释称:“大学的行动很慢,他们是既有价值的守护者。” Candice , 60 , has focused on how fullbridge 's learning materials are designed . 60岁的坎蒂斯非常重视赋桥学习材料的设计。 Most are left at transportation security administration checkpoints and turned over to the airport , says mccarran spokeswoman candice seeley . 大多数失物是被遗落在运输安全署检查站而被转交给机场的,麦卡伦机场发言人坎蒂丝.西利说。 When billy told candice this roughly three months before the wedding , her jaw dropped . 当比利在婚礼举办前三个月把这件事告诉坎迪斯时,她的下巴都掉了下来。 Candice said . These things just don 't matter as much to her , she said . 坎迪斯说,但她又说这些事情对她并不重要。