- [人名] 博诺;[地名] [澳大利亚、法国、美国、意大利] 博诺
Bono 双语例句
You still do pro bono work ? 你还做社会公益? We 're doing him pro bono . 我们正在做他的无偿服务。 De bono is not the only writer of business books who thinks the ancients have a role to play . 德博诺不是唯一认为古人有其作用的商业书作者。 Mr. medvedev last week was at his seaside residence in sochi , meeting foreign leaders and having tea with bono , singer from the rock group u2 . 梅德韦杰夫上周在俄罗斯港口索契(sochi)的海边住所会见了外国领导人并与摇滚乐队u2的乐手波诺(bono)一起喝茶。 Come up here to do a little pro bono work ? 然后偶尔来这里做点义工?