Blanche 双语例句
After all , why would a german give an italian use of his credit card carte blanche ? 毕竟,为何德国人要让意大利用他的信用卡? It is also sometimes known as " la dame blanche " . 它有时也被称作“ladameblanche”。 Thought I 'd get it after blanche kicked . 布兰奇被踢走后我以为会得到. " Look , this is the soho of madrid , and it feels dead , " says richard foster , pointing to empty streets and shuttered shops near his maison blanche restaurant in chueca . “瞧,这就是马德里的soho区,死气沉沉的,”楚埃卡区(chueca)maisonblanche餐厅的理查德佛斯特(richardfoster)指着餐厅附近空旷的街道和门窗紧闭的店铺说。 " It 's quite a scientific achievement , " says physicist pierre-alexandre blanche of the university of arizona in tucson . “这是一项不小的科学成就”,亚利桑那大学(位于图森)的物理学家pierre-alexandreblanche说。