Biya 双语例句
Rival factions compete to be the libyan arab quarter of da biya for many days and so has been reduced to ruins . 被利比亚敌对两派争夺多日的阿季达比亚等地已经沦为一片废墟。 Mr biya has reacted angrily . 比亚先生的反应是相当生气。 Cameroonian first lady chantal biya casts her ballot at a polling station in october . 去年10月,喀麦隆第一夫人尚塔尔比亚在投票站拉票。 A quarter of da biya government troops also attacked the outskirts of the opposition position , forcing the opposition to retreat to the city . 政府军还攻击阿季达比亚城郊的反对派阵地,迫使反对派后撤至城内。 British and french fighters are locked in the quo-east jet da biya gaddafi town ( ajdabiya ) ground forces , as the target . 英法战机正锁定卡扎菲在利国东部阿杰达比亚镇(ajdabiya)的地面部队,作为攻击目标。