Battlestar 双语例句
Is Battlestar now in its final season the televised culmination of the feminist movement ? 是太空堡垒,目前已进入最后赛季的电视转播高潮的女权运动? The best fighter pilot in the current television series Battlestar Galactica is a cigar-smoking woman . 最好的战斗机飞行员在目前的电视连续剧太空堡垒卡拉狄加是雪茄吸烟妇女。 For point defense , the Mercury class mounts similar light weaponry to older Battlestar classes . 点防御,汞级安装类似的轻武器向老年人太空堡垒班。 Battlestar Galactica , \'the recent television series , is a prime example . 最近电视剧”太空堡垒卡拉狄加’就是一个好例子。 These are mounted under the chin of the bow of the Battlestar . 这些都是安装在下巴的弓的太空堡垒。