Banksy 双语例句
Ali legends by mr brainwash who some say is banksy . 传说,有的说是阿里议员洗脑世界卫生组织班克斯。 Banksy is the pseudonym of a british graffiti artist , political activist and painter . banksy是一位身兼涂鸦大师,政治积极分子以及画家的英国人. He meets the famous and secretive street artist who goes by the name banksy . 他遇到了著名的街头艺术家和秘密谁的名字班克斯。 Documentary or performance art ? Elusive street artist-turned-filmmaker banksy sure isn 't fessing up to the truth behind his latest piece of work . 这是真实的记录还是一场表演秀?有街头艺术家变为电影导演的banksy并没有在他最新的作品中坦率地告诉大家答案。 You 'll laugh as the film ridicules its main character though he ( and banksy ) may be the ones sharing the last laugh at our expense . 你会大笑剧中滑稽的主角,虽然他(和banksy)可能是享受了我们的金钱并且笑得最久的人。