Badlands 双语例句
A barricade prevents visitors from entering the interior of the badlands national park near wall , south dakota . 南达科他州城墙市附近的恶土国家公园(BadlandsNationalPark)门口摆放着阻止游客的路障。 I take it you 're familiar with an area called the badlands ? 我猜你很熟悉一块被称作荒地的区域? A foreign-ministry official says mercenaries from the badlands of tajikistan and afghanistan were hired . 外交部一位官员透露政府已经雇佣了来自塔吉克斯坦和阿富汗荒原的佣兵。 Dubbed the badlands guardian , the " face " is actually a valley eroded into the clay . 他被称作荒地守护者而实际上这张“脸”是泥土被溪谷侵蚀而成。 Pakistan is vulnerable to its neighbour 's turmoil , mostly via the badlands of its pushtun tribal areas . 巴基斯坦邻国(阿富汗)的动乱对巴基斯坦而言很具危害性,那些动乱主要是取道普什图部落地区的荒地发起的。