Arma 双语例句
If you 're looking for supercute alternatives to the plasticky polyester kids costumes that you 'd find at you local big box store , check out tom arma 's adorable selection . 如果你正在当地的大箱形商店寻找超级可爱到聚酯涤纶童装的话,那就试看看汤姆阿玛的可爱衣服吧。 The canadian , british and australian armed forces have experimented with training their soldiers on " virtual battle space 2 " , a tweaked version of " arma 2 " , a military wargame developed by bohemia interactive , a czech games firm . 加拿大,英国,和澳大利亚的武装军队已经在用一款名叫“虚拟空间战斗2”的游戏进行训练了,它是军事战争游戏“武装突袭2”的改良版本,发行商是一家名叫波西米亚工作室的捷克游戏公司。 His portable project titled arma de instruccion masiva , translated as weapon of mass instruction , roams the streets of buenos aires , attacking its people with knowledge ( metaphorically speaking ) . 他的便捷式活动名为翻译为大众化武器,漫游在布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)吸引了有学识的人们(打个比方说)。