Arabi 双语例句
Arab league secretary general arabi has said that the arab league ministerial committee will visit damascus on 26 june . 阿盟秘书长阿拉比日前表示,阿盟部长级委员会将于本月26日前往大马士革。 As fears of a major escalation in violence grew , arab league secretary-general nabil el arabi said that he would be seeking the security council 's " support and agreement " to a proposal by the league for mr assad to hand over authority to his deputy before the formation of a national unity government and elections . 外界对叙利亚暴力大规模升级的担心与日俱增,阿拉伯联盟秘书长纳比勒阿拉比(nabilelarabi)表示,他会推动安理会“支持和同意”该联盟的提议:要求阿萨德将权力移交给副手,然后成立民族联合政府并举行选举。 We will have peace one day and we will all return to our home and we will be united iraqis again , where the sunni is a shiite and the shiite is a sunni , the kurdi is arabi and the arabi is kurdi or turkomani , the muslim is a christian and the christian is muslim . 我们总有一天会迎来和平,我们都能回到自己的家园,并且再次成为团结的伊拉克人:逊尼就是什叶,什叶就是逊尼;库德人就是阿拉伯人,而阿拉伯人也是库德人或土库曼人;穆斯林是天主教徒,天主教徒也是穆斯林。 Since they are bullies who are too scared to attack countries that can defend themselves ( russia and china ) , the next targets of these extortionist thugs would appear to be weaker green countries like saudi arabi , algeria and venezuela . 自从他们被那些害怕自己被攻击的国家,因自我保护而对他们施以威吓之后(俄罗斯和天朝),这些勒索者们的下一个目标将体现在较弱的绿色国家,比如沙特阿拉伯,阿尔及利亚和委内瑞拉。 After his death , the building was made over as a gift to sultan bin abdulaziz , crown prince of saudi arabi who died last october and with whose family mr harari had close business ties . 哈里里去世后,这套房产曾作为礼物赠予沙特王储苏尔坦本阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹(sultanbinabdulaziz),哈里里生前与其家族有着密切的商业往来,而苏尔坦又于去年10月去世。