Andrea 双语例句
U.s. air force photo / airman 1st class andrea salazar 美国空军图片由美军一级飞行员安德里亚.萨拉查提供 Andrea cople has the story . 安德里亚考鲍尔报道。 Andrea wanted more . She was interested in " a future " together . 安德里亚想要更多,她对共同的“一个未来”感兴趣。 I finally reached andrea on her cell phone a few minutes before nine , and it was a great relief to hear her voice . 我总算在差几分钟到九点的时候打通了安德里亚的手机,听到她的声音我真是松了一口气。 But the most promising development by far is the appearance of michonne who rescued andrea from death-by-zombie in last night 's finale . 但是到现在为止最有发展前途的就是米琼恩,她在昨晚最后一集中将安德里亚从僵尸口中救出。