Aka 双语例句
They are essentially commodities , identified by a standardized universal product code ( aka , u.p.c. ) . 根据标准的通用产品代码(如U.P.C.)的定义,它们本质上都是商品。 These companies have a particular allure for the new breed of business tech consumers ; aka " bizumers . " 这些公司对新一类的商用消费者(bizumers)别具吸引力。 Download special ops aka disarmed hd movie . 特别行动又名撤防下载高清电影。 Executable files , aka applications , on the other hand , come in all sizes-making them an ideal place to embed lots of data . 然而,可执行文件(又叫做应用程序)具有各种可能的大小,使他们成为理想的地方嵌入大量的数据。 The status report problem is usually handled by having heirarchies of supervisors and employees aka " reports " . 状态报告问题的解决方案一般是使用监管和雇员的层次结构即“reports”。