Ahmedabad 双语例句
India 's rising urban centers include bangalore , ahmedabad and chennai . 在印度,新兴城市包括班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和金奈。 The next google could well be cooked up in a garage in guangzhou or ahmedabad . 下一家谷歌公司很有可能就会诞生于广州或是阿默达巴德的某个车库里。 Muslim women light candles during a ceremony in ahmedabad , india . 印度艾哈迈达巴德(ahmedabad),穆斯林妇女在一个纪念仪式上点燃蜡烛。 As a first step I accompanied my brother to ahmedabad where he was posted as judge . 我们第一步是我先陪二哥到艾哈迈达巴德去,他在那里担任地区法官。 Chinese cities tianjin , shenzhen and dalian came out on top in terms of economic strength , with bangalore at 16th , ahmedabad at 19th and hanoi at 20th . 中国城市天津、深圳和大连在经济实力上排名靠前,印度城市班加罗尔和艾哈迈达巴德分别排在第16和19位,越南的河内排名第20。