Aer 双语例句
In passing , bob mentions an article which estimates the salary impact of an aer publication . 顺便说下,bob曾提起过有篇他对aer年刊的投稿中估计了该刊物文章的影响。 Similar co-operations are in place with aer lingus , easyjet and flybe . 类似的合作还有爱尔兰航空,易捷航空和flybe公司。 We are only exceptional when we believe we aer exceptional . 只有我们相信自己杰出,我们才真正杰出。 As a mother aer changing the world . 作为母亲,你正在改变世界。 The flowers in the garden aer at their best . 花园里的花朵盛开着。