Adidas 双语例句
Later that day , adidas pulled the ad and never released the shoe . 当天晚些时候,阿迪达斯撤掉了这款运动鞋的广告,并取消了该款产品的发布。 But adidas also sees growth potential in other arenas . 但阿迪达斯在其他领域也看到了增长潜能。 Adidas said the purpose of the stores was to increase sales and capture customer data . adidas提到,目的是提高商店的销售,并获取消费者的数据。 The fair ideas might include flash drives , bed sheets and , now , adidas shoes and apparel . 还有一些不错的点子包括星战闪存盘,星战床单,现在还有星战的阿迪运动鞋和服装。 He thought puma needed much the same treatment as adidas . 他认为彪马需要采取与阿迪达斯极其相似的措施。